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School Assistant Version 3 Beta Now Available on macOS Monterey

Now that Apple has officially launched the beta for TestFlight for Mac, Sun Apps today has published the first-ever Mac beta of School Assistant for those running the macOS Monterey beta.

Version 3 brings many Mac-oriented changes to School Assistant, one of the top school apps on the Mac App Store:

  • Many design changes

  • Multi-window support

  • Certain views, such as New Schoolwork and Settings, open in separate windows

  • Mac-style titlebar and toolbar

  • Support for the Mac Accent Color (set in System Preferences)

  • More right-click menus

To join the beta for School Assistant Version 3, see our guide. To install the beta on iOS and iPadOS, see the School Assistant page. Version 3 is currently planned to release alongside iOS 15, iPadOS 15, and macOS Monterey.


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